Home » Rimadesio Furnishing
Arredamenti Onlywood is an authorized retailer of Rimadesio home accessories.
Arredamenti Onlywood is the official Rimadesio retailer in Turin, offering a wide selection of high-quality home accessories. Through our collaboration with this internationally renowned Italian brand, we can meet every need for your living or bedroom area with refined and functional design accessories. In our showroom, you can closely admire Rimadesio products and receive personalized advice to choose the accessories that best suit your style and space requirements. Among our Rimadesio products, you will find bookshelves, wardrobes, dressers, coffee tables, and many other accessories, all characterized by a unique and original design that seamlessly integrates into any environment. Trust our expertise to furnish your home with taste and functionality.
Contact us for information or request an assisted visit in our Showroom.